10 Things To Avoid Before Bedtime For Better Sleep
A good night’s sleep is essential to health and happiness. But when you toss and turn all night, it can be hard to get the rest you need. Fortunately, there are some simple things customers of Orange County Mattress in Orange County, CA can do to ensure they get the best sleep possible. Here are 10 things to avoid before bedtime for better sleep.
1. Don’t Drink Caffeinated Beverages Late in the Day
Caffeine has a half-life of five hours, meaning that even if you drink your daily cup of joe at noon, it will still be in your system by 5 PM. To get the best sleep possible, avoid drinking any caffeinated beverages after 2 PM. Avoiding caffeinated beverages late in the day will help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and feel more rested upon waking up. So why not give it a try and see how much better sleep you can get with fewer cups of java?
2. Don’t Eat Large Meals Late in the Day
Avoiding large meals late in the day is an important part of getting a good night's sleep. Eating a heavy meal late in the evening can cause indigestion, which can result in interrupted sleep and tossing and turning all night. Avoiding these large meals will help to keep the digestive system on pace and ensure that the body is ready for restful sleep when night comes. Giving your body time to digest and helping it to settle into sleep mode with smaller, lighter meals before bedtime is essential for better quality shuteye at night. Try not to eat anything after 7 or 8 PM so that your body has time to digest before you hit the hay.
3. Don’t Exercise Too Closely to Bedtime
While exercise is important for overall health and well-being, it can also make it harder for some people to fall asleep quickly at night if done too close to bedtime. Try not exercising within two hours of when you plan on going to bed as this will give your body time to relax and wind down before hitting the sheets.
4. Don’t Look at Your Phone Right Before Bed
The blue light from phone screens has been proven to suppress melatonin production which makes it harder to fall asleep quickly at night. To maximize your chances of getting a good night's rest, try not looking at any digital screens (phones, tablets, laptops etc.) within an hour or two of when you plan on falling asleep each night.
5. Don’t Take Naps During the Day
Taking naps during the day can throw off your circadian rhythm and make it harder for you to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night if napping is done too late or too often during the day time hours. If napping is something that helps you stay awake during work/school hours, then limit yourself to no more than 20 minutes per day to avoid disrupting your nighttime sleeping patterns as well as your daytime energy levels and focus levels too!
6. Don't Stay Up Too Late
Studies have shown that going to bed at a decent time will not only give you a better quality of sleep, but it will also increase your alertness and productivity throughout the day. Going to bed too late can cause fatigue, lead to poorer concentration and mental performance, and disrupt your body’s natural cycle. Getting eight hours of restful sleep each night helps the body process toxins, restock energy stores, repair cells, and reinforce memory.
7. Avoid Stressful Activities Before Bed
If something stressful comes up in the evening hours, try not to dwell on it before bedtime as this can create an anxious state of mind can make good sleep harder to achieve! Make sure that whatever activities you do before heading off into dreamland are calming ones such as reading books or listening to music instead of worrying about things that happened during the day!
8. Avoid Alcohol
While alcohol may make you feel sleepy initially, it has been linked to disrupted sleep cycles and poorer quality sleep overall. So, while having a nightcap may seem like a good idea, it’s actually better to avoid drinking alcohol before bedtime altogether.
9. Avoid Uncomfortable Bedding
Making sure you have comfortable sheets, blankets and pillows goes a long way towards making sure you get a good night's rest overall! Investing in quality mattress materials will help ensure that you're comfortable throughout the entire night so you wake up feeling refreshed instead of sore or uncomfortable in any way!
10. Avoid Overheating Your Room
Sleeping in room that’s either too hot or humid can cause restless nights where its hard focus on anything other than how uncomfortable are! The optimal temperature while slumbering is between 60-67 degrees Fahrenheit for best sleep!
Establish a Healthy Bedtime Routine for Better Sleep
Establishing a healthy bedtime routine is the key to getting a good night's rest. The best way to set up this routine is by making sure you are winding down and preparing your mind for sleep at least an hour before your scheduled bedtime. Start by having an activity that soothes your mind, such as reading a book or doing some light stretching. Then take the time to relax in dim lighting and listen to calming music or white noise. Once you're feeling ready, brush your teeth and get into comfortable pajamas before getting in bed. Setting specific times to start and end routines will help create consistency and promote better sleep hygiene over time!
Getting quality sleep every night doesn't have to be complicated. By avoiding these 10 things, you should be able see significant improvements in your nightly sleep routine in no time flat! As always remember though if nothing else works out then perhaps investing new mattress from Orange County Mattress might be necessary solution needed to ensure you get the deep, quality sleep you need! Shop our collection of top brands today to get started! Call us at (949) 566-0109 or visit us online!