About Us

Since 1972 we at Orange County Mattress have been committed to serving our communities through providing exceptional customer service and most importantly a great night’s sleep.
We still answer our phones and are happy to see your faces walk through the door. We enjoy sharing a beverage at our large spacious dining tables and getting to know you and your story.
We appreciate our customers and your continued support over the many years. We refer to many of you by name over the dinner table and at company gatherings. We are more appreciative of our customers than you will ever know.
While we acknowledge shopping online these days is convenient and we offer that experience, we still welcome and enjoy engaging on a personal level here in the showrooms. Three generations of ownership are working daily in the stores, behind the scenes in the warehouse and in customer service.
Our desire is for you to experience a great night’s sleep and after 50 years of serving our community we can truly say with confidence “We help people sleep better!” That’s exactly what we do here at Orange County Mattress.
Stop by any one of our 8 neighborhood showrooms in Orange County and meet our staff. You will find many of our sleep consultants have been with us for 5 years, 10 years and some even longer.
Being a family owned and operated business has allowed us over the many years to get to know our customers and community and invest in our people in unique ways.
We partner with Olive Crest here locally in Orange County providing sleep sets and other necessities for at-risk youth in our community.
Additionally we have implemented a special OC Mattress Care program for our staff and their families. We want to be there and provide support for the complicated and unexpected situations life throws at us. We realize that as important as a good night’s sleep is, sometimes it’s our soul that is tired.
We have found many important answers to life’s toughest and most complicated questions here at this link (PDF).